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Alain Machado

How to Setup Conversions in Google Ads

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

An image showing the Google Ads logo

Google Ads is a powerful tool for tracking conversions or actions that customers take on your website. It's important to understand the types of conversions you can track and how to setup conversion tracking in your account.

The types of conversions you can track with Google Ads include website visits, app downloads, purchases, leads, form submissions, and more. You can set different types of goals in Google Ads such as website visits, app downloads, leads, etc.

Once you have established the conversions you would like to track, you can then proceed with setting up conversion tracking in your account.

In this article, we'll discuss the following steps in setting up conversion tracking:

If you need help setting up your conversion on Google ads, speak to our team and we will do it for you.

Deciding on the types of conversions you would like to track

Before you even begin setting up conversion tracking, you'll need to decide what types of conversions (or actions) you would like to track. This can include website visits, app downloads, purchases, leads, form submissions and more.

It's important to note that not all types of conversions are available in Google Ads. Some types of conversions may require additional setup or setup through third-party software.

Google to date has broken down conversions to 4 groups:

  • Website Visits (e.g., a person visits a page on your website)

  • App Downloads (e.g., a person downloads an app from Google Play or App Store)

  • Phone calls (e.g., a person calls a phone number listed on one of your ads)

  • Import to Google Ads (e.g., conversion made off Google ads like a third-part CRM and Google analytics)

Here is a brief list of what conversions can you track with Google Ads:

  • Online sales

  • Link clicks

  • Page views

  • Sign-ups

  • App installs

  • In-app purchases

  • In-app actions

  • Calls from ads

  • Calls to a number on your website

  • Clicks on number on mobile sites

  • Lead forms

We recommend to our clients at Marketing Optimised that they inform us where your visitors are most likely to convert and we look at their analytics to verify that they are correct. Once you have identified the types of conversions to track, you can proceed with generating the conversion code needed for tracking.

Generate conversion code in Google ads

Now that you have decided on the types of conversions to track, you can generate the necessary conversion code.

To start, we will use the Google ads platform and not a third-party platform. The steps are as follows:

1. In your Google Ads account, click on the tools tab and select “conversions” from the dropdown menu.

An image showing users where to locate the conversion section on Google ads

2. Click on the blue plus button in the top right corner of your screen to create a new conversion tracking code.

An image showing users where to find the new conversion button on Google ads

3. Select the type of conversion you would like to track from the dropdown menu and fill out the required information such as name, value, category, and more.

An image showing the 4 conversion options users can select on Google Ads

4. Once you have filled out all of the necessary information for your new conversion code, click on “save” at the bottom of your screen.

Once you have saved your conversion code, Google will generate a tracking code that you can then paste into your website.

Depending on what CMS you use, you may need to paste the code into certain pages or templates. It's important to note that if you are using a third-party platform for tracking, you will need to access its instructions for setup and embedding the necessary codes.

We recommend you either speak with a developer for help or a PPC specialist like ourselves to help you with the setup.

Generate conversion code in Google Tag Manager

Another way of creating conversions in Google ads is to use Google Tag Manager. With Google Tag Manager, you can create conversions with triggers and tags. You can also track the types of conversions that are not available in Google Ads by using third-party tools.

To create a conversion in Google Tag Manager, follow the steps below:

1. Set up the trigger that will fire when a visitor triggers your conversion goal (e.g., a visitor clicks on the purchase button)

2. Create a new tag for each of the types of conversions you want to track

3. Set up the tag details required for tracking the conversion and select Google Ads as the tag type.

4. Enter the conversion details required to track the conversion and click “save”.

5. Once saved, Google Tag Manager will generate a code for you that you can paste into your website pages or templates.

Check if your conversion tag works

Someone at their computer checking something on Google ads

It's important to check if your conversion tag is working correctly and that it’s being tracked by Google Ads. To do this, you can use the Google Tag Assistant Chrome extension to confirm that your tag is working. After installing the chrome extension, visit a page on your website with the conversion code installed to see if it is successfully firing when visitors take the designated action.

You can also use the Google Ads platform to check if your conversions are being tracked correctly. To do this, go to your “conversions” tab and select the type of conversion you have created from the dropdown menu. You will then see a graph showing how many conversions have been triggered by visitors who have interacted with your website.

Finally, you can also use your website analytics platform to see if the conversions are being tracked correctly. The analytics platform will show you how many visitors have triggered each conversion and the associated cost of those conversions.

Are you using Google AdWords to drive conversions?

  • Yes, and it's working great!

  • No, but I'm thinking about trying it

  • No, and I don't plan on starting anytime soon


Setting up conversions in Google Ads can be a powerful tool for tracking user interactions and gaining insights on how to optimize your campaigns. With the steps outlined above, you should have no problem setting up conversions in Google Ads for new users.

To ensure that your conversions are set up correctly, we recommend testing them with the tools mentioned earlier. And if you need help setting up conversions, contact a PPC specialist who can guide you through the process.



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